I'm trying to use DESeq2 to test if hybrid > max(parent1, parent2) | hybrid < min(parent1, parent2), where parent1, parent2, and hybrid are three genetic varieties. The DESeq2 framework doesn't directly do this kind of hypothesis test, so I test a bunch of contrasts and then pick the p-value for the appropriate one for each gene. I don't really need an exact p-value, I just need some way to rank the genes.
The problem is that all the adjusted p-values returned by DESeq are 1 and I don't know why. I include a minimal working example below.
# Toy setting with 1000 genes, 3 groups, and 4 replicates per group.
genes = 1000
groups = 3
replicates = 4
# Generate the count table. This is a terrible simulation in
# general, but all I'm trying to do is check my usage of DESeq2.
lambda = rgamma(genes*groups*replicates, 200, 5)
counts = matrix(rpois(genes*groups*replicates, lambda), nrow = genes, ncol = groups*replicates)
# The colData objecct has the experimental design. The three groups (genetic varieties)
# are parent1, parent2, and hybrid. My goal is to find out if hybrid > max(parent1, parent2)
# or hybrid < min(parent1, parent2) in terms of gene expression.
colData = DataFrame(row.names=LETTERS[1:(3*replicates)],
Treatment = factor(rep(c("parent1", "parent2", "hybrid"), each = replicates))
# Fit the DESeq model.
se = SummarizedExperiment(assays = SimpleList(counts = counts), colData = colData)
dds <- DESeqDataSet(se = se, design = ~ Treatment - 1)
dds <- DESeq(dds, betaPrior = F)
# For each gene, I extract the DESeq adjusted p-values for the four hypothesis
# tests below and then choose one based on the DESeq2 model coefficients.
# p-values for testing if parent1 > hybrid
p1.g.h = results(dds, lfcThreshold = dim(counts)[1], altHypothesis = "greater",
contrast = c(Treatmenthybrid = -1, Treatmentparent1 = 1, Treatmentparent2 = 0))$padj
# p-values for testing if hybrid > parent2
h.g.p2 = results(dds, lfcThreshold = dim(counts)[1], altHypothesis = "less",
contrast = c(Treatmenthybrid = -1, Treatmentparent1 = 0, Treatmentparent2 = 1))$padj
# p-values for testing if parent2 > hybrid
p2.g.h = results(dds, lfcThreshold = dim(counts)[1], altHypothesis = "greater",
contrast = c(Treatmenthybrid = -1, Treatmentparent1 = 0, Treatmentparent2 = 1))$padj
# p-values for testing if hybrid > parent1
h.g.p1 = results(dds, lfcThreshold = dim(counts)[1], altHypothesis = "less",
contrast = c(Treatmenthybrid = -1, Treatmentparent1 = 1, Treatmentparent2 = 0))$padj
# DESeq2 model coefficients.
cf = coef(dds)
p1 = cf[, "Treatmentparent1"]
p2 = cf[, "Treatmentparent2"]
h = cf[, "Treatmenthybrid"]
# For each gene, I use the coefficients below to pick which p-value to use.
df = cbind(p1, p2, h, p1.g.h, p2.g.h, h.g.p1, h.g.p2)
my_pvals = apply(df, 1, function(x){
if((min(x["p1"], x["p2"]) <= x["h"]) && (x["h"] <= max(x["p1"], x["p2"])))
else if(x["h"] > x["p1"] && (x["p1"] >= x["p2"]))
else if(x["h"] > x["p2"] && (x["p2"] >= x["p1"]))
else if(x["h"] < x["p1"] && (x["p1"] <= x["p2"]))
else if(x["h"] < x["p2"] && (x["p2"] <= x["p1"]))
# All p-values are either 0 or 1. Why is that?
# And all the adjusted p-values are 1
I have no idea how that argument got there, I didn't mean to set lfcThreshold at all. Removing it seems to remove or mask the problem in that example. Thank you!