I have 2 questions. The first one is regarding the sizeFactors.
I have the following sample groups:
1. control = no treatment: 5 biol. replicates
2. after 1h of treatment: 5 biol. replicates
3. after 2 h of the same treatment: 5 biol. replicates.
(summa summarum: 1 factor, 3 levels, 15 animals)
My task was to find DE genes between the groups. So I did pairwise comparisons: i.1 vs.2, ii.1vs.3 and iii.2 vs.3.
The sizeFactors were computed for the each comparison: it means that the normalized counts for samples from group1 can be different in e.g. comparisons i and ii.
My question is: is this wrong? Should I instead compute the sizeFactors for the all samples before testing, and not just for the compared ones?
The second question is regarding the analysis without an intercept, which I did here. Before 3-4 weeks, I did not get any error message when my design was without an intercept. But today, when I repeated the analysis, I got an error message:
betaPrior=TRUE can only be used if the design has an intercept.
if specifying + 0 in the design formula, use betaPrior=FALSE
So, I added in DESeq function an argument betaPrior=FALSE, and got the extended/different set of genes (e.g. under 5% FDR).
My 2nd question is just for sanity check: is there something changed in the code during this period of time, since my input hasn't changed, and I used the same code? If so, why betaPrior has to be =FALSE when the design is without an intercept?
Thank you in advance!
Thank you for the answers.
Just additionally to the question #1: how is the intercept calculated in this case and what does it practically mean?
> resultsNames(dds)
[1] "Intercept" "control" "treatment1hr" "treatment2hr".
Would it be better to set the design here as ~0+condition? And when it make sense to include the intercept and when not to?
The intercept allows the software to shrink the differences between the groups symmetrically towards a middle value. We've written the DESeq() function to determine what is the most appropriate model matrix to use given the users choice of design and other arguments. Using the default settings and ~condition allows you to compare the groups and have the advantage of moderated log fold changes (see our paper for the motivation). If you prefer to not have moderation of log fold changes, you can set betaPrior=FALSE and use either ~condition or ~0+condition (these will result in equivalent results tables).