Not sure if this is Reactome's bug or a feature. A human gene matches to both human and mouse pathways.
library(reactome.db) library(AnnotationDbi) pwthws <- as.list(reactomeEXTID2PATHID['55697'])[[1]] mapIds(reactome.db, pwthws,"PATHNAME","PATHID") 1430728 "Homo sapiens: Metabolism" 5991024 "Mus musculus: Metabolism" 556833 "Homo sapiens: Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins" 5991065 "Mus musculus: Metabolism of lipids and lipoproteins" 1483257 "Homo sapiens: Phospholipid metabolism" 5991243 "Mus musculus: Phospholipid metabolism" 1483255 "Homo sapiens: PI Metabolism" 5992197 "Mus musculus: PI Metabolism" 1660516 "Homo sapiens: Synthesis of PIPs at the early endosome membrane" 5992226 "Mus musculus: Synthesis of PIPs at the early endosome membrane" 1660514 "Homo sapiens: Synthesis of PIPs at the Golgi membrane" 5992224 "Mus musculus: Synthesis of PIPs at the Golgi membrane" 1660517 "Homo sapiens: Synthesis of PIPs at the late endosome membrane" 5992222 "Mus musculus: Synthesis of PIPs at the late endosome membrane"
Indeed, on Reactome's site there are both human and mouse pathways for this gene. I know this question probably belongs to the Reactome's mailing list (not sure if it exists) rather Bioconductor's, but I thought I'd share this observation anyway.