Someone here knows how to use the bioconductor ggbio package for plotting ideograms?
in the manual it says :
"Ideogram provides functionality to construct ideogram, check the manual for more flexible methods. We build genome hg19, hg18, mm10, mm9 inside, so you don’t have download it on the fly. "
library(ggbio) p.ideo <- Ideogram(genome = "hg19")
But when I replace the h19 to mm10 in the code bellow, I get an error :
> p.ideo <- Ideogram(genome = "mm10")
use chr1 automatically
Error in ifelse(nrow(df.tri.p2), list(, c(list(data = df.tri.p2), :
erro na avaliação do argumento 'yes' na seleção do método para a função 'ifelse': 'Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos) : object 'y' not found
Can someone help me?