I used GeoQuery library to get expression data fro, NCBI GSE. I have succeed to get the ExpressionSet data but notice something strange. It has negative value in it. It is impossible to get the log2 scale with negative value so I'm thinking whether it has been processed beforehand. Does it mean the value is already in log2 scale?
I'm not really familiar with NCBI SOFT or MINIML because I studied how to process microarray data from the raw type data (CEL file). Is it already processed data (log scale or normalization or other data processing method) or just raw data after CEL file is processed. From the boxplot, it seems the data has been processed. This is the link for boxplot image:
Thank you for your answer.
Edit by moderator: this question relates to GEO series GSE51791.
The boxplot is the data I downloaded using GEOQuery. In the description, it said the data shown is normalized log intensity. So, I think it is already normalized in the form of log2 values.
In some way, yes, but they do not give any details *how* except that they used GeneSpring to normalize it.
Hence Gordon's recommendation to download the raw data via getGEOSuppFiles() and apply your normalization of choice to it so you know for sure what you're looking at...
Thank you. I don't know we can get the raw files. I will try to use that.