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Lana Schaffer
Last seen 10.5 years ago
I am trying to install the paeg1acdf and probe files from the Meta
data site on to my windows platform.
paeg1 P. aeruginosa Source,Win32 Source, Win32
The paeg1acdf was installed properly but the paeg1aprobe could not be
installed. First of all the probe
directory is called "paeruginosaprobe" and can be installed with that
name. However, Bioconductor looks
for the name "paeg1aprobe" when installing with gcrma, for instance.
>>Error in getProbePackage(probepackagename) :
>> Environment paeg1aprobe was not found in the Bioconductor
This message comes when the directory name is changed to 'paeg1aprobe'
before install:
>>Error in library(pkg, character.only = TRUE) :
>> There is no package called 'paeg1aprobe'
(I could try changing the name after install?)
Can someone suggest something to help me get the probe file installed?
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