Dear all,
I am using the vignette of sushi (which i find it really useful) to visualize genomic regions in bed format using the plotBed function. Could you please help me with adding a legend in the produced plot (currently i am using Sushicolors(7))? I have seen in the vignette that there is a function called addlegend but the help page says that "This function adds a legend to Sushi plots that have a colorby function (e.g. plotHic, plotGenes, and plotBedpe)". Any advice with the plotBed function?
Example code below:
plotBed(beddata = zeb2cnes,chrom=chrom,chromstart = chromstart,chromend = chromend, row='supplied',palettes = list(SushiColors(7)),type="density")
labelgenome(chrom,chromstart,chromend,n=50, scale="Mb",edgeblankfraction=0.20,cex.axis=.75)
Many thanks in advance.