I'm currently using the excellent camera/roast/romer functions from limma for analysing groups of genes in count data.
Currently there are (to my knowledge) two different ways of calling the same functions: using edgeR's implementation directly on a DGEList or first transforming the data with voom, and then use standard limma.
In some cases there can be quite some difference between outputs from the two - I'm wondering what's currently considered best practice when choosing between the edgeR and the limma+voom implementation? Are there any important statistical and/or practical aspect to take into account when choosing?
You are right that the internal rankings are usually more consistent than the p-values. I haven't done any systematic comparison either, but noted that at a p-value threshold of 0.05, one method will sometimes give more significant gene sets than the other.
Yeah, I wouldn't focus too much on differences when you use a given cutoff as you can just be observing a threshold effect, but hard to know until you make something like the plot I linked to.