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Last seen 9.1 years ago
Hello there, sorry for spamming the forum about Gviz but it's a great library and I really want to use it.
I think there is a small bug when trying to plot an annotation track with reversed strand and ID names on top of annotations.
> annoTrack <- BiomartGeneRegionTrack(genome="HG19", name="ENSEMBL", symbol="PPM1F") > plotTracks(annoTrack, showId=TRUE, reverseStrand=FALSE, just.group="above") # works fine > plotTracks(annoTrack, showId=TRUE, reverseStrand=TRUE) # works fine > plotTracks(annoTrack, showId=TRUE, reverseStrand=TRUE, just.group="above") Error in validObject(x) : invalid class “IRanges” object: 'width(x)' cannot contain negative integers
Is this behaviour reproducible ?
Thank you for your help.
It is actually also the case for just.group="below". Other values "left" and "right" work fine.