This code:
Gviz::plotTracks( c(biomartBoth, axisTrack), from = biomartBoth@start, to = biomartBoth@end, chromosome = rep("chr15", 2), showId = TRUE, = "below" )
Produces this plot, as expected:
However, if I add the option reverseStrand=TRUE:
Gviz::plotTracks( c(biomartBoth, axisTrack), from = biomartBoth@start, to = biomartBoth@end, chromosome = rep("chr15", 2), showId = TRUE, = "below", reverseStrand = TRUE )
Then I get this:
I figured out that removing the ids, like this:
Gviz::plotTracks( c(biomartBoth, axisTrack), from = biomartBoth@start, to = biomartBoth@end, chromosome = rep("chr15", 2), showId = FALSE, = "below", reverseStrand = TRUE )
Plots the transcripts on the same line again:
But how can I plot the transcripts on the same line while showing the ids?
Thank you for answering. The link "Complete code example" at the bottom has the whole example. I'm passing in start/end because I have to do it in my bigger plotting scripts, where I'm plotting multiple types of tracks together (Gviz then says it can't automatically calculate the start/stop positions).