BioCCheck is complaining that < 80% of man pages having runnable examples. The man/ directory of the package contains 39 *.Rd files, and there are 7 that BioCCheck lists as having no runnable examples.
I have three questions about the results:
- 32/39 = 82.1% of man pages with examples, no? Although 4 of the man pages are for data, so maybe these aren't included and it's 28/35 = 80%?
- One of the man pages without an example is for a deprecated function. Based on this page I thought deprecated functions shouldn't have examples. Maybe I haven't correctly marked it as deprecated?
- One of the man pages without an example is brief documentation for the package itself. Does this need examples?
It'd be great to get some clarification about which .Rd files are included / excluded when calculating the % with runnable examples.
The package code is available on Github. For reference here's the exact message I get from BioCCheck:
* Checking exported objects have runnable examples... * REQUIRED: At least 80% of man pages documenting exported objects must have runnable examples.The following pages do not: annotateAnchors.Rd, countsBetweenAnchors-methods.Rd, GenomicInteractions-package.Rd, GenomicInteractions-subsetByFeatures-methods.Rd, get_binom_ligation_threshold.Rd, get_self_ligation_threshold.Rd, removeDups.Rd
Ah, I just realised that one of those Rd files refers to a function which I thought was exported but isn't, so it's 27/34 = 79.4%...
I can add an example to the package man page. The data objects don't have examples, but aren't listed as not having examples, but again that's easy to add and I'll do that.
About deprecation - I misread this page previously and now I realise that it says R CMD check, not BioCCheck, should report use of a deprecated function in examples, but your comment suggests this wouldn't be the case?
Actually I think I misspoke about the deprecated functions. You are right that R CMD check, not BiocCheck, will report the use of a deprecated function in examples.