I have a problem with the dba.count() function.
I have two conditions with 3 replicates each, and when I do
sample = dba(sampleSheet=sampleSheet, peakFormat='bed') sample=dba.count(sample)
or even
I have no problem. Anyway, when I try to find consensus peaksets for the two condition separately and then count with their overlap, dba.count() is not working.
prova=dba.peakset(prova,consensus=DBA_CONDITION,minOverlap=2) peaks=dba.peakset(prova,prova$masks$Consensus,bRetrieve=T) prova = dba.count(prova,peaks=peaks) ###NOT WORKING prova = dba.count(prova,peaks=prova$masks$Consensus) #NOT WORKING Error in if (is.unsorted(unique(pv$vectors[, 1]))) { : missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed traceback() 5: pv.vectors(model, mask = mask, minOverlap = minOverlap, bKeepAll = bKeepAll, bAnalysis = bAnalysis, attributes = attributes) 4: pv.model(spare) 3: pv.CalledMasks(pv, res, bed) 2: pv.counts(DBA, peaks = peaks, minOverlap = minOverlap, defaultScore = score, bLog = bLog, insertLength = fragmentSize, bOnlyCounts = T, bCalledMasks = TRUE, minMaxval = filter, bParallel = bParallel, bUseLast = bUseLast, bWithoutDupes = bRemoveDuplicates, bScaleControl = bScaleControl, filterFun = filterFun, bLowMem = bUseSummarizeOverlaps, readFormat = readFormat, summits = summits, minMappingQuality = mapQCth)
What is wrong?
Thanks in advance,
Hi Rory, thanks for your help.
I am using DiffBind_1.16.3. This is what I get without parallel:
You can find the "prova" object here:https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B5haNz0A0-UVOW11TnlzcGhGTDA/view?usp=sharing