Hi, I (sadly) only have one RNA-seq sample for each condition and want to use log fold change to determine whether the feature counts is different in one condition relative to the other. Apparently, it is not recommended to use the DESeq function to perform differential analysis for it treats the samples as duplicates when calculating dispersion. Does the rlog function do the same thing? Should I use simple log transformation (log2(count+1) to calculate the fold change between conditions or use rlog to do it? Using simple log gives a lot of noise, especially the low count features and I have to come out with arbitrary filter based on the counts. It is annoying. The rlog gives me a nice list that are less likely to have false positive. But should I use rlog in this case?
Thanks, Michael. It is good to know that setting blind=TRUE leads to design=~1. I don't recall seeing it on the man page.
Thanks. That is very helpful.