Hello All,
I have an RNA-seq experiment with three conditions: A, B, and C. I combined A+B as single condition and did a DE analysis as A+B vs C and I have a set of DE genes (logFC>=1 and padj<=0.05).I want to know which genes are differentially expressed specifically in condition A+B.
I saw a using contrast for this, but i have only two conditions
, contrast=list("conditionA+B", c("conditionC")), listValues=c(1, -1/2))
I am interested to know whether the above script helps to give the list of DE genes specific for condition A+B. Can this problem be solved in one nice integrated statistical framework that also allows me to nicely rank my resulting DEGs by statistical significance?
yes, just want to amke sure I understand it right, so the dds looks as follows,
[1] "Intercept" "conditionA" "conditionB" "conditionC"
and so adapting this,
would give me those genes whch as specific to conditionA and ConditionB isnt