I am using 100 mb transcriptome to simulate 400-800 million reads for a particular fold change eg. 1.2. I require this for 5 replicates. I have the following questions:
- when i run polyester , its just occupying one core/slot for a particular node on my cluster. Therefore its unable to utilise all the available RAM.
Is polyester multi threaded? Can i make it occupy all the nodes?
- How do I specify qrsh -l mf=100G,h_vmem=100G to be used on a particular node? lets say its node1.
Error in .Call(.NAME, ..., PACKAGE = PACKAGE) : negative length vectors are not allowed
Error in .Call2("Integer_any_missing_or_outside", x, lower, upper, PACKAGE = "S4Vectors") : long vectors not supported yet: ../../src/include/Rinlinedfuns.h:137
I am getting these errors. I guess its because R is running out of memory.
yes you are right . for a particular fold change i need 10 samples in total. 5 tumor and 5 normal.