I am trying to color genes in a GeneRegionTrack according to a pre-defined criteria. I have set up the color that I'd like the genes to be in a column of the GRanges object. If I plot the entire GRanges object, then everything works fine. However, if I plot only a portion, then the colors remain in the same order, but they are now attached to different genes.
I suspect that this is because the color vector does not get subset by the range like the symbol does, so the entire vector gets used when plotting the whole thing, but the vector starts at the first element even when plotting only a later subset.
The following code should be reproducible.
rm(list=ls()) library(optparse) library(Gviz) library(GenomicRanges) ## Set up 3 regions start <- c(1,10, 20) end <- c(5,15,25) genes <- c('g1','g2','g3') chromosome <- rep('chr1', times=3) color.temp<- as.character(c("green", 'blue', 'blue')) color2.temp <- as.character(c("red", 'black', 'black')) dat <- GRanges(seqnames=chromosome, ranges=IRanges(start, end=end), gene=genes, color.fill=color.temp, color.border=color2.temp) dtrack <- GeneRegionTrack(dat, symbol=dat$gene, showId=TRUE, fill=dat$color.fill, col=dat$color.border, lwd=4) ## In the following case, the fill colors are painted fine plotTracks(dtrack, chromosome='chr1', from=1, to=30) ## In the following case, the fill colors are painted without subsetting ## according to what is actually being painted plotTracks(dtrack, chromosome='chr1', from=10, to=30)
It seems that I shouldn't need to manipulate and subset the colors separately from the rest of the GenomiRanges object (which looks like this)
> dat GRanges object with 3 ranges and 3 metadata columns: seqnames ranges strand | gene color.fill color.border <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <character> <character> <character> [1] chr1 [ 1, 5] * | g1 green red [2] chr1 [10, 15] * | g2 blue black [3] chr1 [20, 25] * | g3 blue black ------- seqinfo: 1 sequence from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
Finally, why can't I seem to be able to control the border coloring in the same way?
Thank you very much!