I am new user of DESeq2 and have few questions regarding the design formula, results, and their inferences:
I am having four cell types (A,B,C,D) from old and young subject detailed as below:
table(pdata$Age) Old Young 47 35 table(pdata$Age, pdata$CellType) A B C D Old 11 12 12 12 Young 8 9 9 9
I used the following designs with the respective objectives in mind
1) To know the age specific effect over celltype
dds2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count2,colData = traitdata2,design = ~Age + CellType + Age:CellType)
2) To know the differential expression for age and various cell type without interaction
dds2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count2,colData = traitdata2,design = ~Age + CellType)
3) To know how individual cell type behave in old and young subjects
dds2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count2,colData = traitdata2,design = ~Age + CellType) dds2$group <- factor(paste0(dds2$Age, dds2$CellType)) design(dds2) <- ~group
4) To get one pvalue for the differential expression across all the cell types (similar to ANOVA, without interaction with age)
dds2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count2,colData = traitdata2,design = ~CellType )
dds2LTR_ACTI <- DESeq(dds2,test="LRT", reduced=~1)
5) To get one pvalue for the differential expression across all the Age (similar to ANOVA, without interaction with cell type)
dds2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count2,colData = traitdata2,design = ~Age )
dds2LTR_ACTI <- DESeq(dds2,test="LRT", reduced=~1)
6) To get one pvalue for the differential expression across all the Age and CellType(similar to ANOVA, with Interaction)
dds2 <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData = count2,colData = traitdata2,design = ~Age + CellType + Age:CellType) dds2LTR_ACTI <- DESeq(dds2,test="LRT", reduced=~Age + CellType)
Kindly answer these questions
- Am I using the correct design?
- With Contrast “results(dds2,contrast=c("Age","Old","Young"))” I am getting different results. with design 1 (up: 348 & down: 139) and design 2 (up:5 & down9). That is expected, (I guess??) but with design 3 (where in I am trying to know how the individual cells are behaving in young and old conditions), I am not getting any significant difference. Also with design 5 I am not getting any significant difference with respect to age. Any explanation?
- After using design 4 I am getting around 3 times more differentially expressed genes as compared to design 1 and 2. For example between cell A and B I am getting (up:516 & down:360) with design 1 with design 2 I am getting (up: 689 & down : 844) but when I use design 4 I am getting (up: 1617 and down:2025). Any explanation?
I understand I might not be able to explain my problem completely. Please let me know if you need any other information.
It is much easier to understand what you want to do if you formulate your "objectives" as questions.
For example: "To know the age specific effect over celltype" -- Do you mean: "For each of the four cell types, which genes' expression is different between samples from young and from old subjects?" Or do you mean something else?