I have questions with limma-voom RNA-Seq data analysis. My project has three factor: A (16 levels), B(three levels) and C(two levels), where A is random effect while B and C are fixed effects.
I would like to test the main effects of B and C, as well as A. To test the effect B, I used the following coding.
Group <- factor(paste(Design$A,Design$B,Design$C,Design$plateID,sep=".")) design <- model.matrix(~B+C) y <- DGEList(counts=T,group=Group) ## T is the count data y <- calcNormFactors(y,method="RLE") v <- voom(y,design,plot=TRUE) corfit <- duplicateCorrelation(v,design,block=Design$A) corfit$consensus fitRan <- lmFit(v,design,block=Design$A,correlation=corfit$consensus) fitRan <- eBayes(fitRan) topTable(fitRan,coef=c(2,3)) ## for testing the effect of factor B, which has three levels.
My questions:
1. Is the coding above correct for testing the main effect of B?
2. How to test the random effect A?
Hi Gordon,
Thank you very much for your comments and suggestion. I have filtered the very lowly expressed genes.