I am trying to do a meta analysis of a number of array studies from illumina arrays ht-v3 and I normally just use limma to remove the background with their neqc function, but data on GEO does not have control probe files for me to read in. There just is one raw non normalised file for everything. So do I just miss out background correction and quantile normalise?
Thanks again Gordon. I actually have two studies, one illumina ht-v4 and the other ht-v3. Do you recommend I remove the probes not found in both, then rbind and normalise the file as one with NEQC before batch correction? Or should I normalise the data separately then batch correct?
Absolutely need to background correct separately. You might be able to normalize together, after consolidating probes, but I'd be nervous about it. Keeping the analyses entirely separate would usually be preferable.