I got the following error message
"Error in if (skip > 0) readLines(file, skip) :
missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
when I was trying galinfo<-read.Galfile("pg.gal").
Here is the link to the gal file: http://www.brop.org:8000/pg.gal
Is there anything wrong with the pg.gal file?
Hi Meng-Chuan,
what package, which version, which version of R, what platform are you
I have seen similar errors from marray::readGalfile, they were an
interaction between the "locale" (i.e. the way your operating system
and/or R represents characters as bytes) and the way that that funtion
is programmed.
Hard to say more though without further details.
Cheng, Meng-Chuan wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the following error message
> "Error in if (skip > 0) readLines(file, skip) :
> missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
> when I was trying galinfo<-read.Galfile("pg.gal").
> Here is the link to the gal file: http://www.brop.org:8000/pg.gal
> Is there anything wrong with the pg.gal file?
> Thanks.
> Meng
Wolfgang Huber
European Bioinformatics Institute
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Cambridge CB10 1SD
Phone: +44 1223 494642
Fax: +44 1223 494486
Http: www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
On your gal file I can get the same error, this is because your gal
file header information is >100 lines long.
read.Galfile tries to automatically work out how many lines to skip
before reading in any data.
y <- readLines(f, n = 100) # only reads
first 100 lines
if (classinfo.id) == "character")
skip <- intersect(grepinfo.id[1], y), greplayout.id[1],
y))[1] - 1
else skip <- intersect(grep("ID", y), grep("Name", y))[1] - 1
So skip becomes an NA as it cant see the start of the row with "Name"
in it, and read.table fails. There is a slight bug in the coding as
read.Galfile allows an arguement for manual override of skip,
galinfo <- read.Galfile("pg.gal", skip=103),
but it gets overwritten by the if else statement and fails anyway...
Quick fix is to change,
y <- readLines(f, n = 100)
y <- readLines(f, n = 120) # anything greater than 102
in your copy of read.Galfile.
Also, your gal file appears to be non standard, see example
http://www.axon.com/gn_GenePix_File_Formats.html#gal, specifically
Block Column Row
nesting order (should be Column nested in Row nested in Block - yours
is different). This can be an issue if relating genes from a galfile
list to marrayRaw/marrayNorm intensity information when the nesting is
not the same in the files which load the intensity information into
the marrayRaw object.
For GenePix gpr files, a way round this is to run read.Galfile on the
first array (assuming the template is the same in the batch), reading
in the gal information in the same row order as the intensities in the
gpr file.
packageDescription("marray", field="Version")
[1] "1.5.25"
> version
platform i386-pc-mingw32
arch i386
os mingw32
system i386, mingw32
major 2
minor 0.1
year 2004
month 11
day 15
language R
>>> Wolfgang Huber <huber@ebi.ac.uk> 13/05/2005 3:43:51 p.m. >>>
Hi Meng-Chuan,
what package, which version, which version of R, what platform are you
I have seen similar errors from marray::readGalfile, they were an
interaction between the "locale" (i.e. the way your operating system
and/or R represents characters as bytes) and the way that that funtion
is programmed.
Hard to say more though without further details.
Cheng, Meng-Chuan wrote:
> Hi,
> I got the following error message
> "Error in if (skip > 0) readLines(file, skip) :
> missing value where TRUE/FALSE needed"
> when I was trying galinfo<-read.Galfile("pg.gal").
> Here is the link to the gal file: http://www.brop.org:8000/pg.gal
> Is there anything wrong with the pg.gal file?
> Thanks.
> Meng
Wolfgang Huber
European Bioinformatics Institute
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Cambridge CB10 1SD
Phone: +44 1223 494642
Fax: +44 1223 494486
Http: www.ebi.ac.uk/huber
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