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Last seen 8.3 years ago
I have been trying to use CrispRVariants to analyze some illumina data I have, which is in fastq format. I have been trying to follow this guide, but since this starts with an ab1 file, I have not been able to properly access and iterate through my files. If anyone has a way to start with fastq files and get to the bam conversion step and can help me with it, I would really appreciate it. https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/CrispRVariants/inst/doc/user_guide.pdf
Is there a reason that you cannot start at section 2.2 of that user guide? I believe that section assumes that you have fastq files already.
But section 2.2 has already established a directory for the fastq files and placed the files in that directory. I have a folder containing the files on my computer, but I am not sure how to translate this into something R can use.