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Laurent Gautier
Last seen 10.5 years ago
Oooops... the last part of the follow-up was in french (just realized
As what is discussed could (still) be on general interest, I added a
> * Je n'ai pas essay? le 'Cel.container mecanism' ; ce qui me para?t
?trange c'est que cel? fonctionnait avant (version 0.8) et que ?a
fonctionne avec d'autres m?thodes.
<translation: i="" did="" not="" try="" with="" cel.container.="" it="" looks="" strange="" since="" it="" was="" working="" in="" version="" 0.8="" and="" that="" it="" functions="" with="" other="" methods...="">
It could be caused by the nature of your data (Rafael could correct
me/ add details about that... could the late addition about
'background correction' be involved ?).
The Cel.container mecanism is described in the vignette ('affy.pdf').
To use it,
you will have to call the step you want to use manually. In your
(note: you do not normalize. I assume you do that with good reasons):
filenames <- c("path/to/file1.CEL", "path/to/file2:CEL", <and so="" on="">)
lcel <- read.container.celfile(filenames=myfiles)
cdf <- read.cdffile("path/to/my/cdf.file.CDF")
eset <- generateExprSet(lcel, cdf, method="liwong")
> Pour information, j'obtiens ?a en tapant 'traceback()':
> 6: fit.li.wong(t(data.matrix), remove.outliers,
> normal.resid.quantile, large.threshold, large.variation,
> outlier.fraction, delta, maxit, outer.maxit, verbose)
> 5: FUN(X[[3]], ...)
> 4: lapply(as.list(X), FUN, ...)
> 3: sapply(data.lst, summary.stat, ...)
> 2: t(sapply(data.lst, summary.stat, ...))
> 1: express(pl1, normalize = F, summary.stat = li.wong)
<translation: result="" of="" the="" traceback()="">
> * Je vais regarder genefilter, en fait je pensais que c'?tait tr?s
orient? puces cDNA . Effectivement, l'id?al serait davoir une ANOVA
g?ne par g?ne.
<translation: i'll="" look="" at="" genefilter,="" i="" thought="" it="" was="" mainly="" meant="" for="" cdna="" arrays.="" it="" would="" be="" nice="" to="" have="" one="" anova="" per="" gene.="">
genefilter is not exactly what you want, thought learning how it work
will help you to achieve your goal. The function 'filtertheniter'
also prove informative. If you do not succeed, just ask, I can come up
with an
'out-of-the-box' working solution (sorry, busy today).
Hopin' it helps,
Laurent Gautier CBS, Building 208, DTU
PhD. Student D-2800 Lyngby,Denmark
tel: +45 45 25 24 85 http://www.cbs.dtu.dk/laurent