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Last seen 6.5 years ago
Hi All,
How do I map TxDb.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19.knownGene TXID keys to ENSEMBL transcript IDs or Refseq IDs? I know this must be a basic task, but I have been playing around with it and googling all afternoon and have not cracked it. I am sure Valerie Obenchain and many others can answer this easily.
Thank you,
Jon Goldberg
But perhaps you really meant the TXNAME?
Thank you... works like a charm! I really do want TXID-ENST pairings but it's good to see other examples as well.
In theory TXID/TXNAM - ENST mappings should be 1-to-1, right? Do you know why they are not?
That isn't really a valid assumption. Hypothetically, there should be some known set of transcripts that everybody agrees upon, and the only difference between UCSC and Ensembl would be what they called them. But that's not the case.
As an example, let's take Entrez Gene ID 1. Both UCSC and Ensembl agree that this is a gene:
But they don't agree on the transcripts:
We can see where they differ, using both versions of GRCh37:
Here UCSC says there are two transcripts for this gene, and UCSC says there are five(!), and none of them are the same as what UCSC says. And even if there is a 'mapping' between the two, it's not really a 1-1 correspondence: