Hi, bioconductor members,
I have two questions here. The first one is basically about how to use narrow() to keep the wanted sequence in an efficient way. I have a read and corresponding cigar, a subset from my GAlignments
instance. I want to clip the insertion and soft-clip from the read so that I can find the type of mismatch between the read and the reference genome. (A similar question was asked here: Finding mismatches between reads and reference sequence. I have tried to use the code given by Herve there, but many of the functions are deprecated and I have to improvise. )
I start with a read with insertion:
cigar <- c("47M1I52M") qseq <- DNAStringSet(x="TTCAAATGTGAACAAGTGCTTTTCCCACAGCTATTGAAATAACCATATTTTTTTTCTTTTATTCAGTTAATGTGGTTAATTTCATTGTTTGGTTTTCTAA") clipping <- unlist(cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(cigar, ops="M")) > clipping IRanges object with 2 ranges and 0 metadata columns: start end width <integer> <integer> <integer> [1] 1 47 47 [2] 49 100 52
Then I want to keep the sequence from 1 to 47 and 49 to 100. I don't know how to do it efficiently, so I did it in a stupid way:
s1 <- narrow(qseq, start=1, end=47) s2 <- narrow(qseq, start=49, end=100) qseq <- DNAStringSet(x=paste0(s1, s2))
I don't understand why narrow(qseq, start=start(clipping), end=end(clipping))
won't work. Tried to understand how solveUserSEW works and not really helping. Can you make a suggestion for a more robust way??
My goal is to find the A-G mismatch, which would suggest an A-I editing site, and ultimately finding the editing enriched region. So this is my first step to remove the soft-clip and insertion from the read sequence. To accomplish it, I just keep the range with CIGAR -OPS=M (cigarRangesAlongQuerySpace(cigar, ops="M")
). Does that make sense? Any flaws? Or is there any better way?
If your goal is to count mismatches, consider using the pileup functionality in Rsamtools, or the tallyVariants() function in VariantTools.
Hi, Michael,
I just pileup() and it seems to work for my purpose. I parse the return the data.frame of pileup() and compare with the reference genome to define the type of mismatch. I have not tried tallyVariants(), but it sounds even better. I will definitely try it tomorrow. Thanks for the helpful suggestions.