Hello everyone,
I want to ask a question about the probe annoations in the package IlluminaHumanMethylation27kanno.ilmn12.hg19
(27k) and the package IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19
I found for many methylation probes, their loci annotations in the 27k package and the 450k package are different. For example, if I check the loci for the probes cg00000292, cg00002426, and cg00003994 using the 27k package as
IlluminaHumanMethylation27kanno.ilmn12.hg19::Locations[c('cg00000292', 'cg00002426', 'cg00003994'),]
And also check their loci using the 450k package as
IlluminaHumanMethylation450kanno.ilmn12.hg19::Locations[c('cg00000292', 'cg00002426', 'cg00003994'),]
For the 27k result for these 3 probes, it is
DataFrame with 3 rows and 3 columns
chr pos strand
<character> <integer> <character>
cg00000292 chr16 28797601 +
cg00002426 chr3 57718583 +
cg00003994 chr7 15692387 +
While for the 450k result for these 3 probes, it is
DataFrame with 3 rows and 3 columns
chr pos strand
<character> <integer> <character>
cg00000292 chr16 28890100 +
cg00002426 chr3 57743543 +
cg00003994 chr7 15725862 -
It means the same probe IDs have different loci in 27k and 450k. I know the probe chemistry of Illumina 27k and 450k are different, but is it mean even the coordinates for the same probe ID are also different? If so, is it possible to combine the shared probes (with the same probe IDs) from samples detected on 27k and 450k together? Thank you so much!
Thank you for the reply Kevin. I further checked the sequences of the probes and found something noteworthy. For the 27k package, the sequences for the 3 probes were obtained via
While for the 450k package, it is
Then the 27k result is
While the 450k result is
For the ProbeSeqA of 27k, ProbeSeqB of 27k, and ProbeSeqA of 450k, their only difference is the last bases of the sequences, which is because of the probing chemistry, but other parts are the same. If so, their loci annotation should be the same or only with a small difference, but the loci results in the former post showed a large difference. For the probe "cg00003994", even the strand has been changed. Actually, I am wondering whether there is any problem with the loi annotations. Thank you so much!
I am admittedly not sure, but can only assume that Illumina, through experimentation, concluded that these probes had greater affinity for the loci on the 450k, but I am not sure. Perhaps browsing the manufacturer's resources for these will help. They usually have more in depth information, and possibly even a log of changes from one array to the next (Affymetrix has such information).