I am new to docker and Bioconductor. I plan to create a container that uses DESeq2 and runs in AnVIL. I noticed while building a prototype on my local machine that installing DESeq caused a lot of files to be compiled. I do not think this container is going to work in other cloud environments.
You cannot launch the bioconductor_docker image on the AnVIL. There are some settings that need to be changed be to launch it. I also want to know why you are using the devel image to launch on the AnVIL?
If you want to use the RELEASE_3_12 image, then please use the image us.gcr.io/anvil-gcr-public/anvil-rstudio-bioconductor:0.0.10 as the image to inherit from.
FROM us.gcr.io/anvil-gcr-public/anvil-rstudio-bioconductor:0.0.10
RUN R -e 'BiocManager::install("DESeq2")'
But also, why do you want to install this ?? just launch the image available on the AnVIL and install DESeq2 on the fly.