I have been using for a long time Bimart to do conversion of ensembl names into gene names, with the following code.
However, this week the scritp does not work anymore, biomaRT does not do the conversion, everything is annotated NA. Is there something that has changed in BimaRt or ensembl that explains this?
It seems related to the ensembl names that should be for instance ENSMUSG00000000127 and not ENSMUSG00000000127.15 (no dot + 2 numbers).
Thank you for your help,
I wouldn't normally use the version because it seems to be much slower, and you are then required to provide the right version, based on whatever Ensembl version is provided at Biomart.
> mart <- useEnsembl("ensembl", "mmusculus_gene_ensembl")> getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id","mgi_symbol","description"), "ensembl_gene_id_version", "ENSMUSG00000000127.15", mart)[1] ensembl_gene_id mgi_symbol description
<0 rows>(or 0-length row.names)## The actual version for Ensembl release 103 is 16, not 15> getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id","mgi_symbol","description"), "ensembl_gene_id_version", "ENSMUSG00000000127.16", mart)
ensembl_gene_id mgi_symbol
1 ENSMUSG00000000127 Fer
1 fer (fms/fps related) protein kinase [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:105917]## and since this is what you want, and it's faster...> getBM(c("ensembl_gene_id","mgi_symbol","description"), "ensembl_gene_id", "ENSMUSG00000000127", mart)
ensembl_gene_id mgi_symbol
1 ENSMUSG00000000127 Fer
1 fer (fms/fps related) protein kinase [Source:MGI Symbol;Acc:MGI:105917]