I am looking more for clarification about how DESeq2 handles multiple conditions/genotypes. We are interested in looking at a WT/Mut with treatment based on the analysis for two comparisons, two genotypes with interaction outline here. Our data is WT:Treat, WT:NoTreat, Mut:Treat, Mut:NoTreat. I want to know what genes are upregulated/important for each of the different versions of our experiment; Mut, WT, Treat, NoTreat, but also what is different based off the interactions (do the genes upregulated in the treatment change in the mutant compared to WT). Can DESeq2 handle this type of question and is the following code how we should approach this? Does DESeq2 account for the condition or genotype when making the reciprocal comparison?
I am not doing a great job explaining this, but I really want to be able to confidently say that when I compare our mutant to WT the treatment alters X number of genes differently than when looking at just WT and all permutations within these (WT vs Mut NO treatment and also Treatment vs no Treatment Mut etc.).
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(as.data.frame(rawdata),
~ genotype + condition + genotype:condition)
res = results(dds, contrast=c("condition","Geno1","Geno2"))
res = results(dds, contrast=c("genotype","Cond1","Cond2"))
Umm, what?
Don't you mean
Note that this results call, combined with a your design with an interaction term, does not compare all the Geno1 to Geno2 samples. It only compares the Geno1 WT to Geno2 WT (assuming WT is set as your reference for condition)