I'm following the instructions shown in the limma user guide (17.4; page 113). The main objective of our project is to recover a list of DEG (from > 4 independents studies) and conduct a meta-analyzes (as a posterior step). However, some datasets have conditions that aren't the focus of the study (for example 300 samples = 100 A, 100 B, and 100 C; but our objective is to use only A and B conditions). In this case, we have to remove this kind of sample before the analyses (C), or can we load all the information (and conduct Background correction and normalize), but carrying the differential expression only on the samples related to the study?
Thank you very much!
Thank you very much for the explanation. Making it more precise. Could I analyze and normalize all samples from a dataset even though I had different tissues in the original study (e.g. skin - normal, skin - cancer, liver - normal, and liver - cancer) and work with only one of them (e.g. skin - normal, and skin - cancer)?