We use DiffBind for the differential binding analysis of our ChIP data. In this we use edgeR TMM for normalization. I would like to print out the normalization factors for this but it only ever gives me NULL. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you.
``` indiff <- dba(sampleSheet="//smb.cluster/080719ATACseq/Diffbind/SampleSheets/AAG57_0v2_SampleSheet_desktop.csv") indiff indiff_count <- dba.count(indiff, minOverlap=2) indiff_count
info <- dba.show(indiff_count) libsizes <- cbind("LibReads"=info$Reads, "FRiP"=info$FRiP, "PeakReads"=round(info$Reads * info$FRiP))
rownames(libsizes) <- info$ID libsizes
indiff_norm <- dba.normalize(indiff_count) norm <- dba.normalize(indiff_count, bRetrieve=TRUE) norm
normlibs <- cbind(FullLibSize=norm$lib.sizes, NormFacs=norm$norm.factors,NormLibSize=round(norm$lib.sizes/norm$norm.factors)) rownames(normlibs) <- info$ID normlibs
Continue with DiffBind to obtain differential peaks
indiff = dba.contrast(indiff_count, categories=DBA_CONDITION, minMembers=2) indiff
indiff_edgeR = dba.analyze(indiff, method=DBA_EDGER) indiff_edgeR indiff_edgeR.DB = dba.report(indiff_edgeR, method=DBA_EDGER, th=0.2) indiff_edgeR.DB
norm <- dba.normalize(indiff_count, method=DBA_EDGER, bRetrieve=TRUE) norm.factors <- norm$norm.factors
Design: [~Condition] | 1 Contrast: Factor Group Samples Group2 Samples2 1 Condition 2h 3 0h 3
indiff_edgeR = dba.analyze(indiff, method=DBA_EDGER) Applying Blacklist/Greylists... Genome detected: Mmusculus.UCSC.mm10 Applying blacklist... Removed: 3127 of 125028 intervals. Removed 3127 (of 125028) consensus peaks. Normalize edgeR with defaults... Forming default model design and contrast(s)... Computing results names... Analyzing... indiff_edgeR 6 Samples, 121901 sites in matrix: ID Condition Replicate Reads FRiP 1 AAG57-0h-1 0h 1 22448776 0.36 2 AAG57-0h-2 0h 2 24911237 0.35 3 AAG57-0h-3 0h 3 28896386 0.35 4 AAG57-2h-1 2h 1 24714679 0.29 5 AAG57-2h-2 2h 2 29507822 0.33 6 AAG57-2h-3 2h 3 33691154 0.33
Design: [~Condition] | 1 Contrast: Factor Group Samples Group2 Samples2 DB.edgeR 1 Condition 2h 3 0h 3 19426
indiff_edgeR.DB = dba.report(indiff_edgeR, method=DBA_EDGER, th=0.2) indiff_edgeR.DB GRanges object with 28978 ranges and 6 metadata columns: seqnames ranges strand | Conc Conc_2h Conc_0h Fold p-value <Rle> <IRanges> <Rle> | <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> <numeric> 8799 chr10 17820527-17820927 | 6.82151 5.13235 7.57844 -2.64669 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000179294 77042 chr4 22144897-22145297 | 7.26597 5.97037 7.93739 -2.16984 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001864833315542 117003 chr9 88332487-88332887 | 7.62881 6.47146 8.26262 -1.99477 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002912935067718 117174 chr9 94661722-94662122 | 6.32876 4.56202 7.09949 -2.73578 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001913996246609111 73471 chr3 94167319-94167719 | 6.60388 5.14560 7.31412 -2.36934 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000003416531189459000477 ... ... ... ... . ... ... ... ... ... 26443 chr12 80853857-80854257 | 4.52610 4.32601 4.70178 -0.577814 0.0474729 91455 chr5 135550916-135551316 | 5.00184 5.31136 4.60723 0.496892 0.0475155 10308 chr10 51235612-51236012 | 4.67882 4.49695 4.84032 -0.545928 0.0475184 112037 chr8 120732016-120732416 | 6.94716 6.90817 6.98513 -0.281904 0.0475370 111490 chr8 112034640-112035040 | 5.55249 5.44471 5.65278 -0.412201 0.0475415 FDR <numeric> 8799 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000218561 77042 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001136625229989 117003 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001183632325633 117174 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000583295141144743 73471 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000832957137052483327 ... ... 26443 0.199730 91455 0.199903 10308 0.199908 112037 0.199980
111490 0.199991
seqinfo: 28 sequences from an unspecified genome; no seqlengths
norm <- dba.normalize(indiff_count, method=DBA_EDGER, bRetrieve=TRUE) norm.factors <- norm$norm.factors
norm.factors NULL