Hi everyone,
I used bwa to index my reference genome:
bwa index ref_genome.fna.gz
I used bwa mem command on my paired end genome assembly:
the command:
bwa mem -t 10 ref_genome.fna.gz FISH_DATA/Individuals/F1/F1_1.fq.gz /FISH_DATA/Individuals/F1/F1_2.fq.gz > f1_map2ref.sam
convert sam to bam:
samtools view -S -b -t 10 f1_map2ref.sam > f1_map2ref.bam
then I sorted:
samtools sort -o f1_map2ref.sorted.bam f1_map2ref.bam
then I used picard ValidateSamFile on the output (after mapping my assembly to the ref genome convert to bam and sort)
the command:
java -jar picard.jar ValidateSamFile \ -I f1_map2ref.sorted.bam -MODE SUMMARY
The results:
## HISTOGRAM java.lang.String
Error Type Count
I would be very grateful if anyone would help me understand how to fix the problem
Thank you very much! I will do so