Hi! I am using HiTC on HiC-Pro results to compute the A/B compartments. The package documentation is detailed, but for this topic in the tutorial there is only one example command showing this procedure. Because of that I have some additional questions.
My code is the following:
conFile <- "hic_results/matrix/s1/raw/50000/s1_50000.matrix"
binsFile <- "hic_results/matrix/s1/raw/50000/s1_50000_abs.bed"
# generate object
hicRes <- importC( conFile, binsFile, rm.trans=TRUE)
# example chromosome 11
hic.binned <- binningC(hicRes$chr11chr11, binsize=250000, method="mean")
# main function
pc <- pca.hic(hic.binned, normPerExpected=TRUE, method="loess", npc=1)
Here are my questions:
I am using the raw contacts as input, since the loess normalization is applied for the comparison procedure. But would it be more suitable to use iced normalized data?
What is the optimal bin size to select for compartments computation? According to existing studies 250-500KBp is typically used. Results similarity was observed between these bin sizes. I also tried smaller, but it failed with errors: "Contact map looks big. Use mean method instead..."and "Empty correlation matrix".
How to use gene coords to assign compartments? Simply GRanges is enough? There are no examples in tutorials.
Would be grateful for the help in these aspects.
Dear all, I am trying to use the same commands exactly as above,
It gives me the following errors. Any suggestions?