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Good morning.
I would like to plot an Enhanced Volcano using the results of my toptable. I am unable to plot a short list of genes of my own interest. Moreover, I created two cutoffs: one from adjusted p value and another from my beta variable (log2 fold change), and I found that my volcano is not right. These are my comands:
NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T<-NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T %>% dplyr::distinct(ext_gene,.keep_all=T)
keyvals.colour <- ifelse(
NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T$b< -1.0 & NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T$pval<10^-4, 'forestgreen',
ifelse(NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T$b > 1.0 & NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T$pval<10^-4, 'red2',
keyvals.colour[is.na(keyvals.colour)] <- 'grey30'
names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'red2'] <- 'Upregulated genes'
names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'grey30'] <- 'NS'
names(keyvals.colour)[keyvals.colour == 'forestgreen'] <- 'Downregulated genes'
volcano.dir<-"F:/r_output/ES 2162/Volcano plots/"
pdf(paste0(volcano.dir,"_","NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T","_",Sys.Date(),".pdf"),width = 9,height = 9,
paper = "a4",onefile = T)
Volcano <- EnhancedVolcano(NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T,
lab = NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T$ext_gene,
x = 'b',
y = 'qval',
selectLab = s_genes,
xlim = c(-7,7),
ylim = c(0,9),
boxedLabels = TRUE,
xlab = "log2(Fold-change)",
ylab = "-log10(adjusted P-value)",
title = 'Volcano NM53_WT_T_NM53_atf6_T',
pCutoff = 10^-4,
FCcutoff = 1.0,
pointSize = 1.0,
labSize = 6.0,
labCol = "black",
labFace = "bold",
colCustom = keyvals.colour,
colAlpha = 4/5,
legendPosition = 'right',
legendLabSize = 10,
legendIconSize = 2.0,
drawConnectors = TRUE,
widthConnectors = 1.0,
typeConnectors = 'open',
endsConnectors = 'last',
arrowheads = TRUE,
gridlines.major = TRUE,
gridlines.minor = FALSE,
border = 'partial',
borderWidth = 1.0,
borderColour = 'black')
Could you help me?
Best regards
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