Hi, When I run DiffBind3 on my datasets (5GB-8GB for each sample bam file), it needs very large memory but still produce errors. I find a post but without any solution. DiffBind:all samples have 0 counts for all genes. I am not sure it is caused by my data. Thanks for any suggestions.
tf_dba <- dba(sampleSheet=fs,minOverlap=1,# If peak is at least exising in one peak file
minQCth=-1, fragmentSize=200,
bCorPlot=FALSE, reportInit="DBA",
bUsePval=FALSE, design=TRUE,
doBlacklist=F, doGreylist=F),
bRemoveM=F, bRemoveRandom=F
tf_dba <- dba.count(tf_dba,summits=FALSE, filter = 0, minCount=0,
bRemoveDuplicates=TRUE, bLog=TRUE)
GM12890_H3K36me3_1 Homo H3K36me3 GM12890 GM12890 1 bed GM12890_H3K36me3_1.2 Homo H3K36me3 GM12890 GM12890 3 bed GM12891_H3K36me3_1 Homo H3K36me3 GM12891 GM12891 1 bed GM12891_H3K36me3_2 Homo H3K36me3 GM12891 GM12891 2 bed Reads will be counted as Paired-end. Sample: GM12890_H3K36me3_1.nodup.bam200 Sample: GM12890_H3K36me3_1.2.nodup.bam200 Sample: GM12891_H3K36me3_1.nodup.bam200 Sample: GM12891_H3K36me3_2.nodup.bam200 Sample: GM12890_Input_1.nodup.bam200 Sample: GM12891_Input_1.nodup.bam200 Error in DESeqDataSet(se, design = design, ignoreRank) : all samples have 0 counts for all genes. check the counting script. Calls: dba.count ... suppressMessages -> withCallingHandlers -> <Anonymous> -> DESeqDataSet Execution halted