I have a couple of questions regarding parameter choices for featureCounts. I have stranded 150 bp paired-end reads.
I have currently chosen the following settings. As far as I understand, this will count fragments rather than reads, will ignore chimeric fragments, and will count multimapping reads fractionally (primary alignments only; I have set my STAR mapping to output all alignments with the best score as primary alignments).
-p -B −−countReadPairs -C -F GTF --verbose -M --fraction --primary
-A chromosome_name_alias.txt
-T 4
-s 2
-g gene_id
-a Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.103.gtf
-o counts.txt
I am interested in whether you would recommend to adjust the fracOverlap
, fracOverlapFeature
, minOverlap
and nonOverlap
parameters. By default, minOverlap
is 1 - is this sufficient to confidently assign a read to a feature?
I don't fully understand the maxMOp
parameter. Is anyone able to provide a simple explanation?
Many thanks for the suggestions.
Best wishes,
In addition to this, would you recommend to check the fragment length using
and to adjust the min and max fragment length (-d
)? I assume you would set these based on expected fragment sizes from your library prep. protocol (in my case NEBNext Ultra II Directional).What is the default behaviour is
is not set? I assume the fragment is just not assigned to any gene?