Hi I have a bulk pair-end 150bp RNA-seq data from seawater samples (Microorgamsim). I am trying to use DupRadar to assess PCR bias. I know there are two files like marked_bam_file and GTF are necessary for runing DupRadar. I used Trinity to assemle RNA-seq into contigs, and mapped RNA-seq into assembled contigs to get bam file. And then using picard to marked sorted bam file. About GTF, I just very confuse about this file, there is no available GTF files in current database. So, I just generate a fake GTF file, using SAM_to_gtf.pl attached in PASA tools. And got the GTF file like this:
TRINITY_DN18951_c0_g1_i2 genome cDNA_match 319 468 100.0 + . ID=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:1217:1031.p1;Target=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:1217:1031 1 150
TRINITY_DN18951_c0_g1_i2 genome cDNA_match 427 576 100.0 - . ID=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:1217:1031.p2;Target=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:1217:1031 1 150
TRINITY_DN10413_c0_g1_i1 genome cDNA_match 1161 1310 100.0 + . ID=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031.p1;Target=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031 1 150
TRINITY_DN10413_c0_g1_i1 genome cDNA_match 1220 1369 100.0 - . ID=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031.p2;Target=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031 1 150
TRINITY_DN10413_c0_g1_i2 genome cDNA_match 1161 1310 100.0 + . ID=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031.p3;Target=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031 1 150
TRINITY_DN10413_c0_g1_i2 genome cDNA_match 1220 1369 100.0 - . ID=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031.p4;Target=A00609:344:HK33KDSX2:4:1101:2374:1031 1 150
I am not sure this is ok ay for DupRadar. I just try the command like this:
bamDuprm <- "marked_duplicates.bam"
gtf <- "m153s.gtf"
stranded <- 0
paired <- TRUE
threads <- 4
# Duplication rate analysis
dm <- analyzeDuprates(bamDuprm,gtf,stranded,paired,threads)
In the beginning, the command runs well, but around 5 min, the command halted, without any error message, just show: execution halted. I have no ideas about this error. Is it the GTF file unsuitable? Thank you in advance for your help.
Dear Sergi, Yeah, it works.
Thank you so much. And thank you for your great tools. Qingwei