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Hi, I am trying to find out the pathways through Pathfinder(KEGG) but everytime this problem is poping up. I aslo updated the version ofR , one time it ran but gain the same problem. Please help me...
RA_output4 <- run_pathfindR(RA_input4, max_to_plot = NULL)
sessionInfo( )
Downloading pathway diagrams of 174 KEGG pathways
|================= | 17%The file /var/folders/k3/2bypsbdn7mgb7n3gt5q6jhhc0000gn/T//RtmpdZPOY3/file5f11d81aca8 seems not to be a valid KGML file
Detailed error messages fromXML::xmlTreeParse:
Error: 1: Couldn't find end of Start Tag rela line 1374
2: Premature end of data in tag pathway line 4
> library(pathfindR)
pathfindR is a CRAN package not a Bioconductor package and the maintainers are not required to be on this mailing list. You might consider placing on stackoverflow.