Problem with "too large halfWindowSize" with writeMSdata after centroiding MSe data
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Last seen 2.1 years ago

Hi, I have MSe data acquired in profile (continuum) mode with a Waters Xevo G2 XS QToF instrument, converted to mzML with MSConvert from proteowizard, and imported using the readMSData(x, centroided = FALSE) function.

I then centroid the data with the pickPeaks function, after smooth and mz-refinement (see code below). My peaks are about 5-10 s wide, and I set the halfWindowSize in smooth() to 2. When trying to save a mzML file (I need this file for other downstream analyses) with writeMSdata I get the error that the halfWindowSize is too big.

data_centroid <- data_profile %>%
  smooth(method = "SavitzkyGolay", halfWindowSize = 2L) %>%
  pickPeaks(refineMZ = "descendPeak", signalPercentage = 30, msLevel = 1L, SNR = 3, method = "MAD") %>% 

 writeMSData(data_centroid, "MSe_RCentroid.mzML", outformat = "mzml")

Error: BiocParallel errors
1 remote errors, element index: 1
0 unevaluated and other errors
first remote error:
Error: fun(object@intensity, halfWindowSize = halfWindowSize, ...) : ‘halfWindowSize’ is too large!

When I extract a specific ion, I see that the profile data has many data points per peak.

mz_M4 <- 471.72
mzr <- c(mz_M4 - 0.1, mz_M4 + 0.1)
rtr <- c(240,330)

        M4 <- data_profile %>%
          filterRt(rtr) %>%
        plot(M4, type = "XIC")
        abline(h = mz_M4, col = "red", lty = 2)

XIC of 471.2 in profile data

After centroiding with the pickPeaks function above, the function seems to work when looking at the same XIC in the new centroided data (reduction of noise)

M4_cent <- data_centroid %>%
          filterRt(rtr) %>%
        plot(M4_cent, type = "XIC")
        abline(h = mz_M4, col = "red", lty = 2)

XIC of 471.2 in centroid data

When plotting, I get the warning message that negative intensities were generated

Warning: No data points between 471.62 and 471.82 for spectrum with acquisition number 901. Returning empty spectrum.Warning: No data points between 471.62 and 471.82 for spectrum with acquisition number 976. Returning empty spectrum.Warning: No data points between 471.62 and 471.82 for spectrum with acquisition number 1201. Returning empty spectrum.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: No data points between 471.62 and 471.82 for spectrum with acquisition number 901. Returning empty spectrum.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. Replaced by zeros.Warning: Negative intensities generated. etc

However, these warnings are still there when I use removePeaks() and clean(), which from what I have understood it, should set intensities below the set threshold to zero (removePeaks) and then remove the zero-values (clean), but they seem to be removed in the XIC-plot.

data_centroid <- data_profile %>%
  smooth(method = "SavitzkyGolay", halfWindowSize = 2L) %>%
  removePeaks(t=50000, verbose = F) %>% 
  clean(verbose=F, all = T) %>% 
  pickPeaks(refineMZ = "descendPeak", signalPercentage = 30, msLevel = 1L, SNR = 3, method = "MAD") %>% 

XIC of 471.2 in centroid data after removePeak() and clean()

The data can still not be saved with writeMSData().

When I reduce the halfWindowSize to 1 in smooth(), I get a new error

data_centroid <- data_profile %>%
  smooth(method = "SavitzkyGolay", halfWindowSize = 1L) %>%
  removePeaks(t=50000, verbose = F) %>% 
  clean(verbose=F, all = T) %>% 
  pickPeaks(refineMZ = "descendPeak", signalPercentage = 30, msLevel = 1L, SNR = 3, method = "MAD") %>% 

 writeMSData(data_centroid, "MSe_RCentroid.mzML", outformat = "mzml")

Error: BiocParallel errors
1 remote errors, element index: 1
0 unevaluated and other errors
first remote error:
Error in solve.default(t(X) %*% X): system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.19379e-18

I have also tried to remove the smooth() function, but then I got the same error "Error in solve.default(t(X) %*% X): system is computationally singular: reciprocal condition number = 1.19379e-18"

Does anyone have any ideas of how this can be fixed so that I can save the centroided MSe data?


sessionInfo( )

R version 4.2.2 (2022-10-31 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 19045)

Matrix products: default

[1] LC_COLLATE=English_Sweden.utf8  LC_CTYPE=English_Sweden.utf8    LC_MONETARY=English_Sweden.utf8 LC_NUMERIC=C                   
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[7] Biobase_2.58.0      BiocGenerics_0.44.0

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[19] affyio_1.68.0         lifecycle_1.0.3       plyr_1.8.8            mzID_1.36.0           zlibbioc_1.44.0       munsell_0.5.0        
[25] pcaMethods_1.90.0     gtable_0.3.1          codetools_0.2-18      evaluate_0.18         knitr_1.41            IRanges_2.32.0       
[31] fastmap_1.1.0         doParallel_1.0.17     parallel_4.2.2        fansi_1.0.3           preprocessCore_1.60.2 BiocManager_1.30.19  
[37] scales_1.2.1          limma_3.54.0          MsCoreUtils_1.10.0    impute_1.72.3         ggplot2_3.4.0         digest_0.6.30        
[43] dplyr_1.0.10          ncdf4_1.21            grid_4.2.2            clue_0.3-63           cli_3.4.1             tools_4.2.2          
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[55] rmarkdown_2.18        rstudioapi_0.14       R6_2.5.1              MALDIquant_1.22       compiler_4.2.2       
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