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Hi Bioconductor team! I have .blastx output files from my de novo assembly and I want to use R to create a organized table that can be exported to excel for my publication. I really need help! I was trying to use MEGAN, but they don't have an organized export that includes everything I need.
Thanks again!
Here is an example of the columns I want to export from my blastx output:
Blast Type Viral Family Host Virus Type Contig Name Viral Assignment Protein NCBI Accession # AA ID % e-value Bit Score Blastx Parvoviridae Vertebrate ssDNA tig00000031 Sea star-associated densovirus structural protein >YP_009507339.1 51 1.00E-04 286 Parvoviridae Vertebrate ssDNA tig00000031 Cherax quadricarinatus densovirus viral protein >YP_009134734.1 46.3 3.00E-34 144