Hi, I am trying to identify my DEG from the following code. However, my decide test summary results are different from the one written as csv file, i.e. different number of up and downregulated genes obtained. Please explain the difference.
#Fit linear model for each gene
GSE84054_fit <- lmFit(GSE84054_voomData, GSE84054_design) %>%
contrasts.fit(GSE84054_contrasts) %>%
treat(lfc = 1)
#identify DEGs
> GSE84054_results <- decideTests(GSE84054_fit,
+ p.value = 0.05,
+ adjust.method = "fdr")
> summary(GSE84054_results)
Down 705
NotSig 12931
Up 48
#finally write results as
GSE84054_allDEresults <- topTreat(GSE84054_fit,
coef = "SphereVSTumor",
number = Inf,
adjust.method = "fdr") %>%
#We filter the allDEresults table to just have the ones which we define to be significantly differentially expressed. In this case, significant differential expression means that genes must have FDR-adjusted p-value < 0.05 and absolute log2 fold change greater than 1 (i.e. either logFC < -1 or logFC > 1)
>GSE84054_allDEresults <- allDEresults %>%
dplyr::mutate(isSignificant = case_when(
adj.P.Val < 0.05 & abs(logFC) > 1 ~ TRUE,
TRUE ~ FALSE # If conditions in the line above are not met, gene is not DE.
>GSE84054_sigDEresults <- GSE84054_allDEresults %>%
dplyr::filter(isSignificant == TRUE)
#We will export those two tables above into the output folder as CSV spreadsheets (this is useful for sharing data with collaborators)
>GSE84054_allDEresults %>%
>GSE84054_sigDEresults %>%
sessionInfo( )