Dear All,
I am working with the RNA-Seq of mouse data, I have a wild-type group(sample size=5), and another group that was knocked out for a gene (sample size=5).
here is the code I used:
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromHTSeqCount(sampleTable=sampleTable,
dds <- estimateSizeFactors(dds)
keep <- rowSums( counts(dds) >= 10 ) >= 5
dds <- dds[keep,]
colData(dds)$condition <- relevel(colData(dds)$condition, ref = "WT")
dds<- DESeq(dds)
res<- results(dds, name = "condition_KO_vs_WT")
But as there is a clear biological difference between my groups; I have a lot of genes with extreme low padj values. ex of some of them (they are more):
baseMean log2FoldChange lfcSE stat pvalue padj
2268.61812 -6.394621706 0.125791377 -50.83513568 0 0
1456.067732 -8.250365901 0.231033179 -35.71074045 2.69E-279 2.21E-275
1385.788289 2.067801423 0.077752666 26.59460487 7.84E-156 4.28E-152
482.3232806 -2.240098286 0.10594365 -21.14424308 3.12E-99 1.28E-95
9679.679616 1.135952663 0.078263158 14.51452633 9.80E-48 3.21E-44
1271.405292 1.021987101 0.071287705 14.33609209 1.30E-46 3.55E-43
79.04433843 4.369034503 0.319439806 13.67717619 1.39E-42 3.25E-39
741.2276181 1.247591601 0.10804284 11.54719366 7.63E-31 1.56E-27
which approach do I have to use to analyze my data Also, I used the greaterAbs which also I am not sure when I have to use it. (but by the way, it didn't change the results)
res <- results(dds, contrast=c("condition","KO","WT"), altHypothesis="greaterAbs",lfcThreshold = 1)
May you please guide me with the way how to analyze my data?
Thanks a lot!