Limma dispersed distribution of log fold change
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Erin Yu • 0
Last seen 13 months ago
United States

Hi, I am analyzing a data set with expression value of genes in the following conditions: cells with and without drug treatment at 3 different temperature(T): Control-T50 x3, Treatment-T53 x3, Control-T53 x3, Treatment-T53 x3, Control-T57 x3, Treatment-T57 x3. I processed the data using this pipeline: raw data > log2 transformation>median normalization for each temperature group (because temperature-dependent decrease of intensity is expected and needs to be preserved) >combine normalized samples back into one data table > limma DE analysis using one single factor matrix design (please see codes below). I then plotted log2FC of toptable output, but the logFC distribution of Treatment vs Control at T57 is very dispersed compared to other lower temperatures(see images attached). I've attached the logFC plots and intensity plots for non-normalized (raw) and median-normalized data set (please note the temperature-dependent decrease of intensity is expected).

My questions are (1) should I worry about this issue? (2) how can I fix this? I suspected the high variability of T57 samples but it doesn't seem so from the intensity plots. Any input would be appreciated, thanks very much. Please let me know if any other information I need to provide.

logFC of 3 comparisons from median normalized data logFC of 3 comparisons from raw data log2 intensity plot of median-normalized data log2 intensity plot of raw data

groups <- factor(groups, levels = c("ControlT50",
design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + groups)
colnames(design) <- gsub("groups", "", colnames(design))
rownames(design) <- colnames(limma_df)

fitall <- limma::lmFit(limma_df, design)

meanint <- apply(limma_df, 1, function (x) {mean(x, na.rm =T)})
fitall$Amean <- meanint 

 contrast.matrix <- makeContrasts(TreatmentT50-ControlT50,

fitall <-, contrast.matrix)
fitall_eb <- limma::eBayes(fitall, trend = T)

toptable <- data.frame()
for (i in 1:length(colnames(fitall_eb))) {
  toptabdf <- limma::topTable(fitall_eb, coef = colnames(fitall_eb)[i],number = Inf, confint = T, adjust.method="BH")
  toptabdf <- toptabdf %>% mutate (Comparison = colnames(fitall_eb)[i]) 
  toptable <- rbind(toptable, toptabdf)


toptable %>%
         ggplot( aes(x = logFC, y = Comparison, color = Comparison ) ) +

 *limma* version: 3.65.2

# include your problematic code here with any corresponding output 
# please also include the results of running the following in an R session 

sessionInfo( R version 4.3.1 (2023-06-16 ucrt)
Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 17763))
limma • 1.2k views
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Is this perhaps a thermal protein profiling experiment?

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Yes, it is! I didn't explain it clearly in my 1st post. This isn't the classic way to design a thermal profiling experiment which typically uses a wide temperature range, but due to the limited multiplexing power of mass spectrometry proteomics, we are trading temperature points for more biological replicates. We are trying to find the optimal matrix design to answer the following questions: (1) what proteins show differential abundance in Treatment vs Control at one temperature? (2) how can we use the temperature to improve the differential expression results? For now, we are using the single-factor design and make contrasts of Treatment vs Control at each temperature (as said in my post, we also consider looking at the effect of temperature: e.g. (Treatment - Control at T57) - (Treatment - Control at T50)). But now we get ~2,000 hits at T57 of Treatment vs Control (adj.P < 0.1), but no hits at T53 and T50, that made me concerned of false positives at T57. I wonder if there are flaws in my analysis pipeline that inflates the hits. I've attached the Pvalue histogram of T57 TreatvsCon if that's helpful. Thank you very much for looking into this.

histogram of P.value of T57 limma DE

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Last seen 2 days ago
United States

There is no expectation for the distribution of the logFC values. Well, under the null they should be N(0, <sigma hat goes here>), but under the alternative, not so much. If you have lots of genes that are changing at the one temperature, then you should expect a larger spread. I mean that's what you are looking for, after all. But plotting the distribution of the logFC is not super useful anyway. Have you done PCA plots? How about MA plots?

That said, you seem to be doing some pretty non-standard things, although it's hard to say because you aren't being that forthcoming. You say it's gene expression data, but there are at least three different general classes of gene expression data that I can think of, and I would personally handle each one differently.

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Hi James, Thank you very much for your response! I explained my experiment in more details above, in response to Gordan. Hopefully that will help to clarify my question. Best.

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Last seen 11 hours ago
WEHI, Melbourne, Australia

The rationale of a thermal protein profiling (TPP) experiment is that you will get large changes at the highest temperature and smaller or no changes at lower temperatures. So what you see is exactly what you would expect, is it not? I understand you are comparing treatment to control rather than comparing tempetures but the effects at high temperatures are always going to be variable. I am a bit puzzled what else you expected to see.

Analysis of TPP experiments is not straightforward and I can't tell you exactly how to do it. But I can make a few points:

  • With just 3 temperatures, you can't do better than a single factor design. Your design matrix and DE analysis look ok in principle.
  • You need some clever way to deal with missing values, if you are not doing so already. For a TPP experiment you can't just leave them as NA because they are not missing at random.
  • I understand why you can't normalized globally, but I am still a bit uncomfortable about normalizing for each temperature group separately. Maybe that will be ok from comparing treatment to control but it will produce false positives if you compare temperatures for the same treatment. I would personally be inclined to leave unnormalized.

Your code seems complicated to me, partly because I don't use tidyverse. If you wanted to make histogram of logFC, you could simply use:

logFC <- fitall_eb$coef[,3]
hist(logFC, main="TreatmentT57-ControlT57")

It is strange to set fitall$Amean manually when limma already does this automatically.

This is no version 3.65.2 of limma. Perhaps you mean limma 3.56.2, which is the current release version.


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