Hi, I am doing some DNA methylation analysis with minfi package. I am a biologist and only starting with R, learning as I go and I often struggle with the basics.
I have a list of dmrs called from Illumina 450k microarray, GenomicRatioSet with the bumphunter method.
Code should be placed in three backticks as shown below
head(dmrs2$table, n=3)
chr start end value area cluster indexStart indexEnd L clusterL
4223 chr6 28828946 28829674 -0.4097562 6.556100 141235 132125 132140 16 70
4279 chr6 32120773 32121130 -0.4054765 5.676670 141949 138162 138175 14 77
4290 chr6 32847527 32847845 -0.3150502 5.040804 142088 139180 139195 16 19
p.value fwer p.valueArea fwerArea
4223 0 0 0 0
4279 0 0 0 0
4290 0 0 0 0
# include your problematic code here with any corresponding output
# please also include the results of running the following in an R session
sessionInfo( )
As you can see, the DMR are expressed as location in the genome, with chr start and end, but not as the probes anymore. I assume I can add them somehow intersecting dmrs$table results with original GRset used to call the bumps, but I have no idea how to do that.
Could someone please help me with that? I tried few wariants, but it didn't work and now am quite desperated..
It worked!
Thank you so much. There is for sure special place with lots of fluffy puppies to hug in heaven, for people that answer bioconductor support questions!
All the best, Dorota
No worries ! I saw your issue and it made me remind I had almost the same question few months ago, so I am happy to share it