Hey, I wanted to ask for advice about some analysis I am doing. I have a count matrix (raw) and a metadata dataframe (condition_breakfast) for DESeq analysis.
dds_V_vs_L <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=raw,
design=~ Campione)
In condition_breakfast I have multiple columns:
ID Risposta Braccio Campione
1 OE05 pCR A V
2 OE06 pCR A L
3 OE07 pCR A V
4 OE08 pCR A L
5 OE09 RD B V
6 OE10 RD B L
7 OE11 pCR B V
How I can do a comparison between sample in (pCR-V) vs sample in (RD-V)? and sample in (pCR-L) with sample in (RD-L)? So, how i can combine multiple colData? Because if I do
dds_V_vs_L <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=raw,
design=~ Risposta+ Campione)
I think he compare pCR-V vs pCR-L and RD-V vd RD-L, or i'm saying wrong?
Thank you for the answer. I try what you suggest but when i look at the resultName, I only have
See vignette on contrasts. In general, please read the vignette before starting an analysis.