Hi, I have two experiments in the first I have cells of type A treated and cells of type A not treated.
In the second I have cells of type B wild type and cell of type C wild type.
I would like to perform these comparisons: A treated VS A not treated and B wild type VS C wild type and compare the FC between the two analyses of some genes.
What is the best method to do this using DESeq2?
Should I perform two separate analyses with DESeq2 and then compare the FC?
Or should I load the four conditions in the same object and to use the contrast in order to do the comparisons?
Thank you.
I don't think there is an advantage to splitting in your case. It could really worsen the results for the 2 vs 2.
Thank you, I am sorry I meant in general when you have enough replicates not in my case.
It's a bit to vague for me to make a statement on, I guess the text i have in the FAQ is what i'd like to offer as advice for this situation.
Thanks, I did two plots of the dispersion;
Here there is plot of the first experiment: http://i.imgur.com/ttm5L46.jpg
Here there is plot of the second experiment: http://i.imgur.com/a5ngLtA.jpg
Putting the two experiments together I think that the shrinkage and dispersion of some genes are increased, am i right?