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Hi everyone, I'm having issues with my code below:
ensembl <- useEnsembl(biomart = "ensembl",
host = "www.ensembl.org",
dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl"
This is the error message I keep getting:
Error in textConnection(bmResult) : invalid 'text' argument
I've looked through a couple of other queries on this website and I've tried to change the host/mirror but unfortunately nothing has worked for me. I've checked and it works when I use "grch37.ensembl.org" as a host, however, I do need GRCh38 and not 37. Has anyone else experienced this and know how to fix it?
Is this still the case today? Running you code example works for me.
I think it might have been a transient issue. Unfortunately, the Ensembl BioMart server is notoriously slow and can be unreliable at busy times.
It seems to be working today! Thank you for your help, I wasn't sure if it was just an issue with me or with biomaRt in general