Hi All,
I have samples from 45 individuals at 2 time points and these individuals were given a specific diet. The BMI of these individuals were recorded at both time points. The responders to the diet are the ones that show decrease in BMI from T1 to T2. I want to use continuous variable (BMI) to identify genes that are predictors of response to diet. I also have other co-variates that need to be controlled like age & gender. The metadata table looks like following
SubjID SampleID Time Age Gender BMI
Sub1 1 T1 23 M 29
Sub2 2 T1 19 F 31
Sub3 3 T1 28 M 32
Sub4 4 T1 45 F 33
Sub5 5 T1 67 F 29.5
Sub6 6 T1 43 M 32.5
Sub7 7 T1 36 M 24
Sub1 8 T2 23 M 26
Sub2 9 T2 19 F 28
Sub3 10 T2 28 M 30
Sub4 11 T2 45 F 28
Sub5 12 T2 67 F 30
Sub6 13 T2 43 M 31
Sub7 14 T2 36 M 32
I am not sure the design that I should go for. The one that I think is appropriate is
dds <- DESeqDataSetFromMatrix(countData=cts,colData=meta,design=~BMI+Gender+AGE+Time:BMI)
dds <- DESeq(dds,test="LRT", reduced=~Gender+AGE)
res=results(dds, contrast=list("T1.BMI","T2.BMI"))
Is this right to identify the genes that could be potential identifiers of responders to the diet as the BMI at time point 2 (T2) has decreased?
All suggestions are very welcome
Thank you