I am using the newest version of the rat genome assembly version 8 to align my reads in an RNA-seq experiment. When I map my gene IDs to chromosome name in biomaRt a lot of the genes are wrongly annotated (for example Ddx3y is annotated to chromosome 13 when it should be chromosome Y, Xist is NA when it should be X, Dusp1 is NA and it should be chromosome 5, etc).
This is my code:
mart <- useMart(biomart = "ensembl", dataset = "rnorvegicus_gene_ensembl")
gene_ids <- rownames(dds)
biomart_anno <- getBM(attributes = c("entrezgene_description",
filters = 'external_gene_name',
values = gene_ids,
mart = mart)
What is the best way to access the updated chromsomes annotations (different package, manual updated list?)?
Thanks Shanie
Thank you, I ran your exact code and it correct for Xist, however Ddx3y is still wrongly annotated to chr13 and, like your results, Dusp1 is wrongly annotated to chr10 (should be 5). Moreover, I only get three genes annotated to the Y chromosome from my whole RNA-seq experiment.