Hello everyone,
Due that I can't access REVIGO website for some reason, I've been trying to use rrvgo package. I'm working with a non-model organism, so I used Blast2GO to annotate the sequences and obtain their associated GO terms. Also, I created an OrgDbPackage with annotationForge with the following .csv files:
- gene_info: containing the accession numbers and description of each gene.
- go_terms: containing the accession numbers, GO term description and GO domain for each gene.
- gene2go: containing the accession numbers and the GO term accession.
These result in an orgDb with the following keytypes:
[1] "gene_name" "GID" "GO" "ONTOLOGY" "TERM"
I'm working with some RNAseq data and trying to make some sense of the data we got. So, I got a dataframe of enriched GO terms with their corresponding qvalues (called A_enrich).
go_data <- godata(annoDb = "org.Tsd.eg.db", ont="BP", keytype = "GID")
simMatrix <- calculateSimMatrix(A_enrich$GO,
semdata = go_data,
ont = "BP",
method = "Rel",
keytype = "GO",
orgdb = org.Tsd.eg.db)
scores <- setNames(-log10(A_enriched$qval), A_enrich$GO)
reducedTerms <- reduceSimMatrix(simMatrix = simMatrix,
scores = scores,
threshold = 0.7,
keytype = "GO",
orgdb = org.Tsd.eg.db)
However, for the last one, I got the following error, even though I specified "GO" as a keytype given that this one is a valid one from my orgDb annotation:
Error in testForValidKeytype(x, keytype):
Invalid keytype: GOALL. Please use the keytypes method to see a listing of valid arguments.
Any help will be very much appreciated! Thanks!