I've downloaded an example FASTQ file from: http://www.internationalgenome.org/data-portal/sample/HG00119
file: ftp://ftp.sra.ebi.ac.uk/vol1/fastq/SRR043/SRR043348/SRR043348_1.fastq.gz
Subsetted the data to only keep first 100,000 reads (400,000 lines). Continue according to page: https://bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/vignettes/Rqc/inst/doc/Rqc.html
I load in the file: `rqcResultSet <- rqc("./Data", "SRR043348_1_100000.fastq", openBrowser = F)`
and run: `rqcShinyReport(rqcResultSet)`
I get the following error:
Warning: Error in eval.quoted: envir must be either NULL, a list, or an environment.
Stack trace (innermost first):
107: eval.quoted
106: splitter_d
105: ddply
104: rqcReadQualityCalc
103: plots[[input$plot]]
102: renderPlot
92: <reactive:plotObj>
81: plotObj
80: origRenderFunc
79: output$rqcPlotExample
2: runApp
1: rqcShinyReport
Since splitter_d is part of the "plyr" package, what can I do if I can't access the functions? According to google something needs to be converted to a data.frame, but everything already is. Do I miss something that is essential for this analysis?
Thank you very much!